‘A Natural History of Rape’ Co-Author Debates Leading Feminist in Chat Session at netLibrary Website


Source: netLibrary

By: Company Press Release

(BOULDER, CO) — netLibrary (www.netLibrary.com), a leading provider of eBooks over the Internet, today announced an upcoming online chat session based on the controversial book, “A Natural History of Rape” (MIT Press).

The chat, to feature author Craig T. Palmer and noted sociologist and author Lynn Chancer, will be held at the netLibrary website, www.netLibrary.com, on Tuesday, March 28, 9-10 p.m. EST.

In this free, public debate, Palmer and Chancer will discuss the controversial issues of rape, sexism, feminism and the sociological and scientific issues surrounding sex and gender roles in today’s society. Chat participants are encouraged to log on at the start of the chat to view the debate, after which they will be invited to present their views and ask questions.

A professor of evolutionary anthropology at the University of Colorado, Craig T. Palmer, along with his co-author Randy Thornhill, generated significant controversy with the recent publishing of their book “A Natural History of Rape.” In it, the authors argue that rape is a ‘natural’ act for men, rooted in the biological impulses of procreation, and that women should consider dressing and acting more conservatively to reduce their risk of being raped.

Lynn Chancer is associate professor in the Department Sociology and Anthropology at Fordham University. The author of many articles about gender, crime, and American culture, Chancer is probably best known for her book “Reconcilable Differences: Confronting Beauty, Pornography and the Future of Feminism” (University of California Press).

She addresses herself to the current split in the feminist movement and the need to create a ‘third wave’ of feminism that incorporates both sex and sexism rather than banishing advocates of each to separate factions.

“A Natural History of Rape”

(www.netlibrary.com/SUMMARY.ASP?EV=662836&ID=23097&advquery=) by Craig T. Palmer and Randy Thornhill, and “Reconcilable Differences: Confronting Beauty, Pornography and the Future of Feminism” (www.netlibrary.com/api-bin/viewbook.dll?clientID=139278&EV=662 841&infobase=6854.nfo&softpage=Doc_Frame_Pg) by Lynn Chancer. Both are available as eBooks in the netLibrary collection.

About netLibrary

Founded in August 1998, Boulder-based netLibrary (www.netLibrary.com) has forged relationships with more than 160 publishers of trade, reference, academic, and scholarly books, resulting in a digital library of nearly 16,000 titles and counting. Publishers with eBooks in the netLibrary collection include AMACOM Books, Harvard Business School Press, Houghton Mifflin Company, McGraw-Hill, and O’Reilly & Associates. peanutpress.com, a division of netLibrary, offers eBooks for download to popular handheld computing devices through its website, www.peanutpress.com.