Rock for Life: MTV – The Channel That Used to Play Music – Now Sex TV


Source: Rock for Life

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON) — “MTV’s onslaught of sex-related shows has less to do with music and more to do with intentionally teaching kids how to live amoral, unchaste and perverse lives,” said Rock for Life founder Bryan Kemper.

For some time, MTV has been airing programs that have come under heavy scrutiny by critics who say the shows are nothing more than sex/condom commercials for unwary underage teens.

“MTV is certainly keeping their sponsors like Trojan condoms happy,” said Kemper. “And now that they are re-launching their so-called 1-888-besafe-1 campaign-a deceitful program which only helps kids to be sexually active behind their parents’ backs-Trojan will see an even greater increase in sales.”

With MTV programs that show college students losing all their inhibitions during spring break, a new “teen soap” called Undressed that centers on perverse behavior, and the so-called 1-888-besafe-1 campaign, critics like Robert Thompson (director of Syracuse University’s Center for the Study of Popular Television) said that MTV’s programs contradict the so-called “safe sex” ideology. The Journal of Popular Film and Television’s co-editor, Gary Edgerton, agreed, calling the MTV context “poisonous.”

“First they pump the kids full of sex with their programming, then they teach them how to avoid their parents and the consequences,” said Kemper.

MTV’s spring break episodes air during prime time, a time when many minors may be tuning in. The programs glorify college students getting drunk, removing their clothing and engaging in activities that cannot be considered safe.

“MTV needs to make up its mind,” said Kemper. “Are they a music video station or an adult entertainment network for kids?”

Rock for Life is a division of American Life League, the nation’s largest pro-life educational organization with more than 300,000 supporters.