Source: Company Press Release
By: Bungee Sexperience
On December 27th, 1999 Cords Unlimited Inc. president Steve Bisyak, inventor of the Bungee Sexperience weightless sex harness will appear on “The Tonight Show” to display his acclaimed device.
This appearance in the mainstream venue is a result of the “Best Invention of Americas” award Bisyak received at INPEX XV, an invention and new product expo held annually in Pittsburgh, PA. Two other INPEX award winners will be appearing in the same segment.
Shaena Steel will be appearing to demonstrate the Bungee Sexperience. “Shaena has been very helpful to our company by assisting at trade shows and promoting our products. She is an expert bungeegirl.” Bisyak relates, “I wanted to show our gratitude by asking her to appear.”
Fans may find the performance a little tame compared to the usual acrobatic demonstrations. No actual sexual positions will be shown. That will be left to the viewer’s imagination.