Source: Company Press Release
By: Bungee Sexperience

“The Bungee Sexperience tm” is a weightless sex harness system which allows the rider to experience an endless variety of sexual positions while bouncing on a bungee cord. Steve Bisyak, president of Cords Unlimited Inc. and inventor of “The Bungee Sexperience tm”, patented as a “variable position intercourse performance apparatus” wasn’t sure how his invention would “fly” in this mainstream venue.
“We are always a big attraction at adult industry shows, but I was really amazed that the Bungee was so eagerly accepted at this event. To win the top award for North, South and Central America is quite an honor. It’s rewarding to find that people who have limited or no contact with “adult” material can be open minded enough to see the benefits of “weightless sex”.
Cords Unlimited Inc. exhibited at INPEX to broaden their market and to introduce some new products of a more mainstream nature.
“We displayed a fitness unit, “The Bungee Experience tm-weightless fun” and a therapeutic unit for the physically challenged along with the “Bungee Sexperience tm”, said Annie McMaster, Research and Development Coordinator for Cords Unlimited Inc. “These units were very well received, but frankly, people were most interested in Bungee Sex!”