Selena Steele, Sensual Siren and Tantamount Tease. A continuation of the InnerView of Julia Parton, with Venus De Light (who I interviewed later here) and Laurie Wagner. Back in 1992 when my (then) wife and I met Selena Steele on the set of “Anything That Moves”. We were impressed with how down to earth she was. Today we’re at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas during the adult film convention in early January 2000. If she’s changed at all she’s gotten bewitchingly sweeter – or maybe it’s that I’m no longer married and she enjoys teasing me unmercifully! She knows I enjoy it. I don’t think there’s a malicious bone in her body.

I again want to thank Rick Simonelli of SexSuperstars for being such a wonderful host. The shoot was progressing in the main room of the suite and Julia Parton, Venus De Light and Laurie Wagner were walking through now and then. Selena joined me on the bed. Naked. I pretty much gave up trying to keep my composure here.
AINews: I’m sitting on a bed with Selena Steele… who is naked… uh… I asked Julia [Parton] all sorts of great questions about… she was talking about… SexSuperstars. What you are doing now.
Selena: Well, Julia and I are no longer making the adult movies. So this is our next venture together.
AINews: Yeah, I wanted to ask about that too. You aren’t doing movies anymore?
Selena: No, the only films I do are custom videos and they are for if a fan writes me and orders one. He says what he wants me to wear and say his name, and do his little scenario for him, his little fantasy. Then I make him like a thirty or forty minute tape or you know what ever he orders and then he’ll also get the tape an autographed picture and the outfit I was wearing. If he wants to buy the vibrator or whatever, he can. So we’re doing that and it will be available on also. [Calling into the adjoining room] Julia… Julia! Julia! Are you doing custom videos for your fans?
Julia: [Comes in to join us] I will be, yeah.
Selena: And Julia will be doing those also. [Mischievously] And Julia and I might do a couple together for you guys.
AINews: Both, together in the same video?
Selena: Yeah, if you want a custom video of Julia and I together, you can get it. Right Julia?
Julia: Totally!
Selena: Totally. You little freak. You know she likes the really big vibrators. Has Julia ever done an anal?
Julia: Only with you.
Selena: Oh, great!
AINews: Yeah, I was telling Julia that you guys look like sisters when you are together.
Selena: That’s good, huh!
AINews: Yeah, and you’re going to be dancing together too?
Selena: We’re going to be dancing. We’re going to go out there and we’re going to support each other.
AINews: That’s cool… I… I’m totally flustered sitting here next to you. You know that don’t you?
Selena: You’ve seen me naked plenty of times.
AINews: Yeah, I know but I’ve never had to talk at the same time.

Selena: You want to touch one?
AINews: Yeah, I do.
Selena: Just one.
AINews: Just one? This one’s ok?
Selena: Yeah… … Ok. You’re done now. Ok, ask me something else.
AINews: Well, who are the other girls that are going to be up here [to shoot today]?
Selena: Nina Hartley, Venus De Light, Becky Sunshine, Laurie Wagner, Angela Summers is supposed to be, whether or not she’ll be here or not, we don’t know yet. And who else, Rick? In the future we’re going to shoot with Jewel De’Nyle. We want to try to get Brittany Andrews, Penelope Pumpkins, Lisa Lipps, and all our good friends.
AINews: OK, and a lot more.
Selena: And a lot more. Can I have a cue card?
AINews: (Laughs)
Selena: You think we’re nuts? We are!
AINews: You’ve got to have fun with it.
Selena: Betty is probably going, “Man I will never do this fucking thing again!”
Voice from the makeup room: Are you kidding? You know what, I’m sorry I was grumpy this morning. I feel bad, I don’t like being grumpy to anybody. I felt better just putting on makeup.
AINews: Betty is so sweet. She’s doing the hair and make-up of the girls here. I’ll have to include her in the online resource material. Wait! Who am I talking to? Oh, my God! [It’s Laurie Wagner.]
Laurie: I thought you were talking about Betty.

AINews: I did too, but I got up and walked over here because… [She is naked under an open robe and turns to face me. She has AWESOME tits! She smiles sweetly as I regain my composure.]
AINews: I heard you talking about a song you’re writing?
Laurie: Yeah, “Sex Superstars”, it’s a song. I may make it “Sex Superstar”, I can’t remember. I can’t decide how I’m going to say every line or how it’s going to be, but it is Sex Superstars.
AINews: Well… We’re standing here and Laurie is standing with nothing but a flimsy robe on.
Laurie: My favorite robe.
AINews: With a pair of the most beautiful tits I have ever seen.
Laurie: Yeah, a pair. They come in pairs. May I have a pair of those nipples, how about in red leather?
AINews: Huh? Ah, you were here shooting last night weren’t you?
Laurie: Yeah, yeah. I had everybody to myself last night, now I’m spoiled. Now I’m ruined. I heard you were talking about a song you’re writing? [To the room of women] He knows nothing about me, he doesn’t even know who I am so I think it’s funny. He’s trying to muster up some questions. He’s never even heard of me before, I think that’s pretty funny. I’m not going to make it easy.
AINews: Even if I knew you my whole life I would probably still be stammering like this… [Choking] I don’t remember anything I was going to say. You’re laughing at me too! (Laughing all around)
Laurie: Julia, this guy has never heard of me, he doesn’t even know what to ask me. I swear. He doesn’t know anything about me at all. You gonna shoot yourself now or later? (More laughing).

Selena: This is Laurie Wagner, Star of Caligula.
AINews: You mean I’ve masturbated to you before? Oh my God! (More laughing) Now I’m going to have to rent the movie again.
Laurie: What magazine?
Selena: Adult Industry News.
AINews: Adult Industry News.
Selena: He’s doing a story about us doing our content.
Laurie: Oh, is that right? You are taking audio? You’re taping right now?
AINews: I’m going to edit the hell out of it [I didn’t] and I will send Julia or whoever a copy so they can redline what they want in or what they want out. I don’t put anything online that would be embarrassing… Except to me.
Selena: I want you to ask Julia a question:
AINews: How many miles cubic miles of unpopulated earth are there on the surface of this planet that do not contain plastic?
Laurie: Oh, you got that from who wants to be a millionaire! (Laughs)
AINews: Oh, you can tease me all you want. I’m loving this stuff.
Laurie: Oh, I’m just a Penthouse Model, and I’m not on the Penthouse website, and I’ve decided to go forward and do some new things. Write the Sex Superstars song and I was thinking maybe, I don’t know if it will be ready on time or maybe next year we could do a show or something. You know, I was thinking when the AVN has those award shows we could plan something. That would be excellent. Talk about “SexSuperstars” and use it like a theme song. It’s just fun to be a part of this because it kind of gives me a… well, I have a couple of other websites that some friends of mine are doing. But I like this concept. I was really glad that I was included in it.
AINews: Thank you Laurie.

[Returning to the bed]
AINews: I’m holding the microphone up to Selena’s pussy right now as She’s diddling her clit.
Selena: Boy, it’s pretty dry. [Teasing me] You are not going to get anything. Come here Laurie, I’ll make it up to you.
Laurie: That’s ok.
AINews: Let me get my glasses out. I dropped my glasses when Laurie hugged me. Caligula.
Laurie: Caligula.
AINews: Caligula, my God. Am I blowing it? I’ve lost control of this interview! What’s left on the agenda here today?
Selena: Nina Hartley is showing up pretty soon.
AINews: Are you going to go out there and shoot some more?
Selena: Pardon me?
AINews: Are you going to shoot more today?
Selena: Yes. We’re going to shoot as much as we can. It’s really hard to get all these girls together, because we have such tight schedules. You know how tight a schedule can be.
AINews: Your schedule is really tight. Where are you touring?
Selena: Texas and Tampa.
AINews: Can you just kind of run down your itinerary?
Selena: Well, August is pretty much open. But, we’re going to be at the dancers’ convention. And then September I’m in Hawaii. And New Orleans. And then October is God I can’t remember with out my book. There’s three weeks booked in October. I can’t remember with out looking at a book. It gets too crazy. I’m trying to think… I’m drawing a blank. When I get my book out I’ll give it to you. Don’t you hate it when some one says, “Where are you going to be?” And you’re thinking in your head, “FUCK! I don’t know.” I’m not looking at my book. I have to look at my book. I can’t remember. It gets to like… you know. You know what I did once? I got a map. United States and Canada. I put pins in everywhere I’ve been. It was really, really, cool. And I put red pins in the ones I would never go back to. No way.
AINews: [Distracted by her antics – she’s stretching on the bed, in essence doing floor work while I’m talking with her.] Cherry is my favorite flavor.
Selena: You like my little tattoo there?
AINews: Selena has a little tattoo of a couple of cherries. That’s really pretty.

Selena: That was on a whim. I threw my back out. I was in State College, Pennsylvania. I threw my back out really bad. I had to go to an emergency room in a hospital. So I couldn’t work the last night. So these guys were really cool to me. They worked at the club. They took me around and they took me to the pharmacy to get my medication. Pain pills and anti-inflammatorys. And so I took a couple percoset and it didn’t even phase me because it hurt so bad in my back. Can you believe that? That’s bad. They say that when the pain level is high the drug doesn’t work. I found out later that I should have had morphine or Demerol, from the pharmacist. Anyway, right next door from the pharmacy was a tattoo parlor. I always wanted a tattoo, so they talked me into it. So I let the guy there shave my pussy and I got a free tattoo. He didn’t charge me.
AINews: Oh, I get it.
Selena: He said I won’t charge you for the tattoo…
AINews: That’s kind of neat.
Selena: That’s the cherry thing, but I got cherries because that’s my favorite fruit. I could eat a whole bowl of cherries. How many calories do you think that is?
AINews: Who cares.
Selena: Don’t you think? Grapes are like 30 calories apiece.
AINews: Can you tie the cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
Selena: Yeah, grapes are very fattening. Yeah, I can, it’s not easy, it’s hard. I love cherry pie, and fresh cherries.
AINews: Cherry coke?
Selena: Ehhh, no. I’m a Pepsi girl. Real cherry.
AINews: Cherry lifesavers?
Selena: Yeah, I love cherry lifesavers. I could eat the whole roll. I don’t suck ’em. I chew ’em.
AINews: That way they stick to your teeth and you can suck ’em later.
Selena: Yeah, save them for later. (Laughs!) We’re crude. Eventually on we’re going to have a live video feed from my house. So I won’t have to get out of bed to go to work. Mmmmm! I’m just gonna throw the sheets off and grab a vibrator and entertain the guys.
AINews: Once and a while one of your friends pops by and gets to wake you up and gives you breakfast in bed.
Selena: That would be so cool, bring in a tray. On the tray would be eggs and bacon and a vibrator. Sausage links.
AINews: That would be cool. How many sausage links can you pull out of your pussy?
Selena: God, not many.
AINews: Well how many pearls can you pull out?
Selena: Eighteen feet.
AINews: EIGHTEEN FEET of pearls?
Selena: I started at ten, and then I worked up to 12, 14, 16, then finally eighteen. So that is a lot of pearls. And scarves, I used to pull scarves out of my pussy. I do that, really, I used to go onstage dressed like Jessica Rabbit in the red dress and play her songs. And on the last song, I would spread my legs, and I had a little stuffed Roger Rabbit in my pussy. He had big feet, man. It was hard to get the feet out. They would get stuck and it was like, grrr, grrr, grrr. [Mocking pulling something out of her pussy] I had fun though. [Looking over at Julie, she’s shaking her head.]
Julie: You wacko!
Selena: But they liked the scarves. They were like the magicians scarves, little silk ones.
AINews: As a dancer, you have a trademark. What is it? You used to put fire on your tits and pussy?
Selena: Oh God. You know I’m going to go on Letterman and do that. Super human tricks! No, I don’t do it much any more. Lots of girls are doing it… Get your eyes out of my crotch.
AINews: My mouth is watering. You can read my mind. I’m transparent. Why hide it?

Selena: Is that enough?
AINews: Yeah. That’s enough. I don’t know how much more I can take. You’re really turning me on. Thanks so much Selena. The best part, though, is lying on this bed with you while you are naked.
Selena: Pervert.