Sabrina Johnson stars in Gangbang 2000


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve NelsonSabrina Johnson

An event as big as the warehouse it was held in and taking two days to complete, the Gangbang 2000 was a fitting X Industry event to end the millennium.

Shooting began about 2 PM the afternoon of the 28th. The set was composed of a boxing ring with backdrops, a staging area for the line of men and the fluffers, and a boom camera on a trolley for overhead shots. Dee was in the ring officiating with a microphone during the event.

There was a marquis in lights of zeros which could be incremented one number at a time after each guy had done one “round” with Sabrina. The rounds were reportedly one minute in length.

With four fluffers to ready the line of guys as they entered the ring it was pretty much a non stop affair for Sabrina who only took short breaks during the long day of shooting. Towards the end of the day when Sabrina was asked how she was doing she said, “I’m not walking like John Wayne yet and my energy levels are staying up.”

The fluffers – Porsha, Jennifer, Sasy, and Erica – were particularly energetic in their duties and seemed to really enjoy their jobs. The director was emphatic that the shoot go well and to make it as easy for Sabrina to attain her goal as possible. He was heard to say, “I want these guys hard! I don’t want Sabrina having to blow these guys!” Porsha and Jennifer went the extra mile and were even seen double teaming on a few guys. Three girls were on the line and one was in the ring for last minute fluff and condom.

Miss Sharon Mitchell was personally there from AIM making sure the testing paperwork was being handled properly. After the paperwork was properly filled out, the tests were photocopied, and the model release was signed participants would be given a wristband. When one guy from the crowd tried to get one of the fluffers to work on him without one, Sharon became quite protective of the girls and said in a very assertive tone, “You try and get a blow job without a wristband, you deal with ME, understand?!! The security guards for the most part blended into the background, though there were more of them there than one would first suspect.

There was a surprise visit from Teri Weigel at about 5:30. Teri is now blonde and was looking good for the photographers covering the event. Other recognizable faces were Sasha Gabor, and Tex Sexton who had the first pop of the day.

At 7:02 PM Sabrina officially broke Candy Apples’ gangbang record of 743. Filming continued very late and at the end of the first day Sabrina had totaled 1025.

Day two started at 1:00 PM with shooting stills and interviews while the crew changed the camera angles and set up equipment.

At 2:30 filming began with anal. The participants cycled through the fluffer line, the ring and the mandatory showers for the first part of the day. More well known talent showed up as the day went on. Don Fernando was seen, and Mike Horner, Kyle Stone and Jay Ashley participated for a few rounds each.

Sabrina is now visibly tired. At one point, after number 1513, she puts a bag of ice between her legs. Dee gets into the thick of it and goes at Sabrina with a strap on. At the fluffer line the frenzy was also felt when Jennifer noticed a reporter with a wristband and a hard on and had his pants down before he could put down his camera. The rest of his clothes came off quite quickly as a result of her attention to detail.

At about 7:00 PM Sabrina is so sore she can only continue orally. She is obviously determined to reach her goal. Between 8:30 and 9:00 she reaches 1999 and takes a well deserved break.

Number 2000 was a man who goes by Jack Napier. He somehow reminds one of John Holmes. After a very long scene with Jack, Sabrina was happy she had accomplished her new record and was helped back to her dressing room. She was worn out and appeared to be walking like John Wayne.

Sabrina has agreed to an interview to discuss the event during her appearances at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of January, 2000.