Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

From the press box above the staging area the eclectic group of men in underwear and half naked women were reminiscent of a strange religious sacrifice. Teri Weigel kept the crowded hall entertained with games for free videos and giving out panties she would rub between her legs before throwing into the crowd.
The recipient of the spectacle was the tall and exotic European model Zarah Lee. After shooting stills with Teri, Zarah was blindfolded and knelt in front of Teri who sat behind her.
Zarah then waited with upturned face and open mouth. With the camera in front of the girls and the now naked men crowding in on both sides, Teri directed Zarah to turn her head to which ever way the men were coming at her. (Pun intended.)
A girl named Bubbles was near the dressing room and appeared to be fluffing. She reportedly said she wasn’t there getting paid, but just liked to do it. She also explained that’s how she got her name. She told a bit about her swing parties and said, “Now I’m up to 100 plus guys shooting, all over my face.” To read an interview of Bubbles click here.
Zarah was recorded on film to have received homage from a record 101 guys. She was a mess.