200 Australians Strip for Charity


Source: AP

(BRISBANE, Australia) — Several hundred people ran naked through the streets of the tiny outback town of Weipa early Sunday to raise money for charity.

About 2 a.m. Sunday local time, about 200 men and a few women stripped down to their shoes only and ran through Weipa, a bauxite mining town in Queensland state, about 990 miles northwest of the state capital, Brisbane.

The run began eight years ago as a spontaneous celebration of the tropical wet season’s first rainfall following months of dry heat in northern Australia. It now raises money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, a nonprofit organization that provides medical services to the Australian Outback.

The annual run, known locally as the “running of the bulls,” raised around $1,900 this year, said event treasurer Christine Gould. It has taken in about $12,600 since it was founded.