Filipinos Fume Over XXX Film Leniency


Source: News Wire

By: Joseph Estrada

(MANILA) — Thousands hit the streets last week protesting what they consider to be the country’s lenient film review board not censoring pornographic films, real or alleged.

“Pornography is not art; it never is,” said the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines in a statement. “And what about our children? They are growing up in a society that cannot distinguish any more between high art and debased art, between what is moral and immoral.”

The demonstrators also included actors, other church activists, and special interest groups, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The journal says they marched on the Filipino Senate, demanding a new committee to replace the current Movie and Television Review and Classification Board.

They also demanded that Filipino president Joseph Estrada fire incumbent MTRCB chairman Armida Siguion-Reyna, himself a producer.