If Elected, She’ll Pose Nude


Source: Reuters

By: Company Press Release

Anke Van dermeerschBRUSSELS (Reuters) – Anke Van dermeersch, a lawyer who reigned as Miss Belgium in 1991, said Sunday she would pose in the nude for Playboy magazine if she won a seat in voting for the European Parliament next Sunday.

A candidate for the Flemish liberal party VLD, Van dermeersch, 27, told Belgian television her pledge to strip off for the U.S.-based monthly magazine demonstrated her intention to make promises — both personal and political — come true.

Playboy has acknowledged her offer, giving it space on its Dutch internet Web site.

Van dermeersch, who last year upset other lawyers after making court appearances in miniskirts and posing scantily clad for another magazine, denied that she was the Belgian equivalent of “Cicciolina,” nickname of one-time Italian porn star Ilona Staller who was elected as a European Parliament deputy in 1987 for a five-year term.

“(La Cicciolina) used the same marketing technique, maybe less refined, but as for political contents, she did not do well,” the Belgian blonde said.  Van dermeersch needs 200,000 votes to win the seat under the European Parliament’s proportional representation system..