Steve Cures Mike When Deathly Ill


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Steve Nelson
Steve Nelson

(SIMI VALLEY, CA) — Steve comes in and saves the day when his sidekick Mike becomes deathly ill!

The rainy days in the Simi Valley took their toll on Mike this month during the CES show and AVN awards when Steve was in Las Vegas partying with all of his Porn Star friends. Mike got sick with some kind of strange disease which left him with a high fever, real weak, and unable to even look at a CRT without a blinding headache!

But wouldn’t ya know it?! Steve came back and saved Mike’s life by feeding him chicken noodle soup. “I did what any other super hero would have done,” said Steve humbly, “and brought over a can of chicken noodle soup! It cured him like [snapping his fingers] that!”

Mike was allegedly so grateful he’s buying Steve a lap dance from his favorite stripper down at Bob’s Classy Lady their next trip! Mike was unavailable for comment.